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Bob Dayton - Nicaraguan Project

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These videos were made for Missionary Dr. Bob Dayton, a missionary of over 50 years. The presentations show the different ministries and activities of his work with the people of Nicaragua.

I count it a privilege to have filmed this ministry, and can say first-hand that this missionary has fulfilled the Great Commission. Nationals have been trained to reach the people of Nicaragua, pastors and their ministries are self-sufficient. They will carry on even if he should leave his field of service in Nicaragua.

The project involved three films – you see them listed below. These are brief moments of the ministry, however, I hope these films give the viewer an idea of the magnitude of the work that God has allowed Dr. Dayton and his wife to accomplish in over 50 years of service.

All arrangements, shooting and editing were done by IMPACT Video Ministries. Final Cut Pro was used to finalize the High Definition project. Music for the project was licensed as listed at the end of each production.

This project is in QuickTime which can be downloaded free from Apple for Mac & PC Here. If you don't want to use QuickTime; you can download a Free VLC Media Player, which will play MP4 video at this link. Be sure to read install instructions!

Bob Dayton - Overall Ministry

A High Speed Connection is advised - Files are large!


This video shows a current brief overview of 50 years. The Bible Institute, Churches and the work with the Mesquite Indians. It can in no way give a full depiction of Dr. Dayton's past years of service.

MP4 Long Version - 29:00 - 532.9 MB

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Bob Dayton - Bible Institute Ministry

High Speed connection will make viewing better.


The Bible Institute is operated by Nicaraguan Pastors. These men are former students of the Institute. They not only teach but are responsible for the operation. Dr. Dayton still oversees the ministry. The Institute depends on the gifts from local Churches and the gifts of people in America.

MP4 (Quicktime) - 240MB

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Bob Dayton - Ministerio Del Instituto Bíblico

Mejor cualidad con conexión de alta velocidad.


El Instituto Bíblico es dirigido por pastores Nicaragüenses que fueron estudiantes del Instituto. No solamente son responsables para ensenar, pero también para coordinar la operación. Dr. Roberto Dayton todavía supervisa este ministerio. El Instituto depende de donaciones de iglesias locales y de gente en Los Estados Unidos.

MP4 (Quicktime) - 245MB

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Bob Dayton - Mesquite Indian Ministry

High Speed connection will make viewing better.


Dr. Dayton has a great burden for this area of Nicaragua. Dauglas Duerte currently has 3 established churches in the Puerto Cabezas Community. These are pastored by Institute graduates.

They have also started new works establishing churches with the Mesquite Indians, among the 51 known tributaries. This ministry will need the prayers and support of God's people.

MP4 (Quicktime) - 169MB

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